
NHA Competition

NHA Competition

A couple of weeks ago Eaan competed in the NHA (Naval Helicopter Association) Competition. This is a yearly competition that rescue swimmers compete in. Eaan was looking forward to this because he has missed it every year. He has been deployed or away on work ups for the competitions. Our good friend Wes was also competing. So on the day of the NHA Competition, Melissa (Wes' wife) and I loaded up our five kids and headed to Coronado.

Melissa has a little girl Jourdan's age and twin boys Layla's age. So it is no small feat to get everyone somewhere at a specific time. We managed to put five car seats (and five kids), two adults and two Bob strollers in Melissa's Expedition. Five kids plus confined SUV equals excessive noise. Why do kids always scream while talking when you are a couple feet away from them?

NHA Competition

We made it to Coronado, where the competition was being held, and unloaded our football team. Immediately Jourdan and Emily started playing in the sand and building sand castles.

NHA Competition

NHA Competition

NHA Competition

We got there right as Eaan's team was about to start.

NHA Competition

Photo by Jeff K.

The teams were comprised of four guys. First the guys did a buddy tow for 500 yards to a buoy in the ocean and then swam three fourths of a mile.

NHA Competition

Photo by Jeff K.

They came out of the ocean and ran up the beach to a nearby pool.
This is Wes coming out of the water.

NHA Competition

Photo by Jeff K.

At the pool the guys did a mock rescue with an injured victim. Then they ran back to the beach and had to carry one of the four team members over sand dunes. Once they completed that the guys had to do another mock trauma. After completing the mock trauma they ran 4 miles to the pull up bar. I can't imagine standing let alone doing pull ups at this point. But the team had to do 80 pull ups total. Eaan did 39. I mean just look at those biceps! [Staring at the picture] Ok, I am done.

NHA Competition

Photo by Jeff K.

After the pull ups the guys had to ran back 4 miles. Then once they finished the four miles they did a truck pull. They pulled an F250! The truck had four harnesses attached so all four guys could pull. I wish I had pictures of that. I am not sure how far they had to pull the truck but I am impressed. When that was completed they had to run to the finish line. Whoa! I think I would have been laying in the sand after the swim at the beginning. Barely breathing.

NHA Competition

While the competition was going on we waited on the beach. We only saw the start, buddy tow, swim and finish. If Melissa and I hadn't had the kids there we could have followed them to each event. That would have been fun but it just wasn't possible with all the kiddos. So we waited on the beach...and waited...and waited some more...

NHA Competition

...and watched planes...and waited some more.

NHA Competition

The competition took Eaan's team about 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete. He did awesome! So did Wes, although I am not sure what his team's time was. After the guys caught their breathe it was time for the BBQ and awards ceremony. I was personally looking forward to the BBQ. What? I burned a lot of calories watching the competition. :) We had to get from the beach to the BBQ so we made Wes and Eaan pull the Bob strollers back across the beach over to where the BBQ was being held. Hehehe. I mean come one, they needed the exercise...Right?

NHA Competition

Photo by Jeff K.

There were 23 teams and Eaan's team came in 11th place. Wes' team came in 3rd place! We are so proud of both of them. They did a great job, as well as all the other guys that participated! Hopefully Eaan will be able to participate next year. I know he likes to push himself until he can't feel his legs, pukes and can't move for three days.

I will leave you all with that image. Goodnight.

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